TRESSEL Developer's Guide: Log Books
TRESSEL Documentation
> TRESSEL Developer's Guide
> Log Books
> Entry #5
Entry #5
Date: October 11th, 2009
Minutes: 3:00pm-8:00pm
David Straily:
Worked on the parser to expand functionality and parse remaining code.
Jarrod Freeman:
Compiled a list of current errors and their code and created an error table. Wrote function to add error to the error table. Helped David Straily with the parser.
Chris Brainerd:
Created a symbol table and wrote a function to add lines to the symbol table. Also wrote helper functions for checking strings and a function to save tables to a file.
Abe Kim:
Made changes to the CheckTable function to improve readability and efficiency. Also began work on the CheckOp function.
Abdul Modrokbi:
Began work on the CheckOperands function.
At the end of the day we had multiple helper functions complete as well as a list of all current errors. We could save our errors in a table and had the beginnings of a parser that could parse the entire source code. We also had the skeletons of two important functions - CheckOp and CheckOperands.
Written by Group 3 of CSE
560 Autumn 2009 5:30 section
Chris Brainerd, Jarrod Freeman, Abe Kim, Abdul Modrokbi,
David Straily
The Ohio State University